Services - 세금/회계업무
1. 세금업무
2. 회계업무
- Income Tax Return : Individual, Partnership, Corporation, LLC, Non-Profit Organization
- Offer In Compromise (체납세금 협상)
- International Taxation( 현지법인, 지사 관련 세무업무 : 국제간 거래)
- Multi-States Tax Matters (미국 50개주)
- Tax Planning : Individual and Business 의 절세계획
- FBAR (Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts)-해외금융자산 신고 업무
- Non-Profit Organization Tax Exemption (비영리법인 면세허가 신청)
- 비영리법인, Private Foundation 설립 및 법인소득세 신고 업무
- 기타 Sales Tax, Payroll Tax보고 등 사업관련 제반 세무관련 업무
2. 회계업무
- Financial Statements(재무제표) 작성 지원
- Business Projection, Forecasting Financial Statements
- Prepare and Review Budgets
- Financial Statements Analysis
- Accounting System Analysis and Consulting
- Accounting System Support : 회계시스템 상담 및 지원
- Remote Accounting Support